China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where’s LeBron? Where’s Disney?

China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where’s LeBron? Where’s Disney? By Monica Showalter for American Thinker

GNN Note – Yes, where are the leaders of wokistan? Why haven’t they condemned China – you know, their owner? /END

Dissidents have been warning us for years about the nature of China’s communist totalitarian regime.

But unlike a lot of them, the dictatorship also has money and markets.

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In the West, that means quisling defenders, many with a snoot in the trough.

So here comes a pitched curve ball for China’s clapping seals, according to the South China Morning Post:

A Chinese court has upheld a ruling that a textbook description of homosexuality as “a psychological disorder” was not a factual error but merely an “academic view”.

The Chinese LGBT community, and the 24-year-old woman who filed the lawsuit, have expressed disappointment at the decision, handed down last week by the Suqian Intermediate People’s Court in the eastern province of Jiangsu.

Ou Jiayong, who also uses the name Xixi, said the court’s decision about what constituted a “factual error” was “random and baseless”.

In 2016, during her first year of study at the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, Xixi came across a psychology textbook that described being gay as a mental disorder.

The 2013 edition of Mental Health Education for College Students, published by Jinan University Press, listed homosexuality under “common psychosexual disorders” — along with cross-dressing and fetishism. It stated that homosexuality “was believed to be a disruption of love and sex or perversion of the sex partner”.

In China, that “academic view” pretty much permits the state to do whatever it wants to anyone who might be homosexual or gay.  In the eyes of the state, they’re mentally ill, see, and the totalitarians running the show there are all benevolent, wanting only the best for the worker ant collective.

This is a pretty skeezy view, which puts gay people in China in quite a bit of legal peril.  Not even Singapore, famously intolerant of homosexuals in the past, does that anymore.  Singapore is the one China claims to imitate.  Guess not.

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